PFont font;
color bgc = color(0);
boolean announce = true;
int tLength =50;
int eLength =260;
float Cx=mouseX;
float Cy=mouseY;
float[] tX = new float[tLength];
float[] tY = new float[tLength];
float[] tSpx = new float[tLength];
float[] tSpy = new float[tLength];
float[] tAcx = new float[tLength];
float[] tAcy = new float[tLength];
float[] tScale = new float[tLength];
float[] textsize = new float[tLength];
float[] eX = new float[eLength];
float[] eY = new float[eLength];
float[] eSpx = new float[eLength];
float[] eSpy = new float[eLength];
float[] eAcx = new float[eLength];
float[] eAcy = new float[eLength];
float[] eScale = new float[eLength];
float[] Radius = new float[eLength];
float r = 100;
void setup() {
font = loadFont("SansSerif-48.vlw");
for(int i=0; i
tAcy[i] = eScale[i] * sq(distX);
if(tY[i] > targetY) tAcy[i] = -tAcy[i];
tSpx[i] += tAcx[i]/10;
tSpy[i] += tAcy[i]/10;
tX[i] = tX[i] + tSpx[i];
tY[i] = tY[i] + tSpy[i];
//ellipse attraction
void ellipseAttraction(int i,float targetX,float targetY) {
float distX = eX[i] - targetX;
float distY = eY[i] - targetY;
eAcx[i] = eScale[i] * sq(distX);
if(eX[i] > targetX) eAcx[i] = -eAcx[i];
eAcy[i] = eScale[i] * sq(distX);
if(eY[i] > targetY) eAcy[i] = -eAcy[i];
eSpx[i] += eAcx[i]/10;
eSpy[i] += eAcy[i]/10;
eX[i] = eX[i] + eSpx[i];
eY[i] = eY[i] + eSpy[i];
void fadeToBgc() {
int c = 40;
void mousePressed() {
c = int(random(79));
for(int i=0; i
else xs5=width;
PFont font; color bgc = color(0); boolean announce = true; int tLength =50; int eLength =260; float Cx=mouseX; float Cy=mouseY; float[] tX = new float[tLength]; float[] tY = new float[tLength]; float[] tSpx = new float[tLength]; float[] tSpy = new float[tLength]; float[] tAcx = new float[tLength]; float[] tAcy = new float[tLength]; float[] tScale = new float[tLength]; float[] textsize = new float[tLength]; float[] eX = new float[eLength]; float[] eY = new float[eLength]; float[] eSpx = new float[eLength]; float[] eSpy = new float[eLength]; float[] eAcx = new float[eLength]; float[] eAcy = new float[eLength]; float[] eScale = new float[eLength]; float[] Radius = new float[eLength]; float r = 100; void setup() { size(900,600); colorMode(HSB,100); background(0); smooth(); frameRate(20); font = loadFont("SansSerif-48.vlw"); textFont(font); textAlign(CENTER); //arrays for(int i=0; i<tLength; i++) { textsize[i] = int(random(10,30)); tScale[i] = random(0.0004,0.0005); tAcx[i] = tAcy[i] = 0; tSpx[i] = random(-1,1); tSpy[i] = random(-1,1); tX[i] = width/2 + r*cos(radians(random(i*6))); tY[i] = height/2+ r*sin(radians(random(i*6))); } for(int j=0; j<eLength; j++) { Radius[j] = random(20,40); eScale[j] = random(0.0004,0.0005); eAcx[j] = eAcy[j] = 0; eSpx[j] = random(-1,1); eSpy[j] = random(-1,1); eX[j] = random(width/2 + r*cos(radians(360) ) ); eY[j] = random(height/2+ r*sin(radians(360) ) ); } } //**************************************************************************** //draw //**************************************************************************** void draw() { fadeToBgc(); for(int i=0; i<eLength; i++) { ellipseAttraction(i,mouseX,mouseY); fill(random(c,c+20),99,99,40); ellipse(eX[i],eY[i],Radius[i],Radius[i]); } for(int j=0; j<tLength; j++) { textAttraction(j,mouseX,mouseY); textSize(textsize[j]); fill(99,60); text("E0838",tX[j],tY[j]); } if(announce){ announce(); if(fade<fadeMax) fade = fade*1.1 + 0.2; }else { xs1 = -100; xs2 = -100; xs3 = -100; xs4 = -100; xs5 = width + 1000; } } //**************************************************************************** //text attraction //**************************************************************************** void textAttraction(int i,float targetX,float targetY) { float distX = tX[i] - targetX; float distY = tY[i] - targetY; tAcx[i] = tScale[i] * sq(distX); if(tX[i] > targetX) tAcx[i] = -tAcx[i]; tAcy[i] = eScale[i] * sq(distX); if(tY[i] > targetY) tAcy[i] = -tAcy[i]; tSpx[i] += tAcx[i]/10; tSpy[i] += tAcy[i]/10; tX[i] = tX[i] + tSpx[i]; tY[i] = tY[i] + tSpy[i]; } //**************************************************************************** //ellipse attraction //**************************************************************************** void ellipseAttraction(int i,float targetX,float targetY) { float distX = eX[i] - targetX; float distY = eY[i] - targetY; eAcx[i] = eScale[i] * sq(distX); if(eX[i] > targetX) eAcx[i] = -eAcx[i]; eAcy[i] = eScale[i] * sq(distX); if(eY[i] > targetY) eAcy[i] = -eAcy[i]; eSpx[i] += eAcx[i]/10; eSpy[i] += eAcy[i]/10; eX[i] = eX[i] + eSpx[i]; eY[i] = eY[i] + eSpy[i]; } //**************************************************************************** //fadeToBgc //**************************************************************************** void fadeToBgc() { rectMode(CORNER); noStroke(); fill(bgc,50); rect(0,0,width,height); } //**************************************************************************** //acctions //**************************************************************************** int c = 40; void mousePressed() { c = int(random(79)); for(int i=0; i<tLength; i++) { tX[i] = mouseX; tY[i] = mouseY; } for(int j=0; j<eLength; j++) { eX[j] = mouseX; eY[j] = mouseY; } } void keyPressed() { switch(key){ case 's': announce = true; break; case 'h': announce = false; break; case'0': obicolor = 0; break; case'1': obicolor = 10; break; case'2': obicolor = 20; break; case'3': obicolor = 30; break; case'4': obicolor = 40; break; case'5': obicolor = 50; break; case'6': obicolor = 60; break; case'7': obicolor = 70; break; case'8': obicolor = 80; break; case'9': obicolor = 90; break; } } //**************************************************************************** //announce //**************************************************************************** float fade=0; float fadeMax = 40; float obihaba = 200; float xs1 = -100; float xs2 = -100; float xs3 = -100; float xs4 = -100; float xs5 = width+2000; float sp1 = random(3,7); float sp2 = random(3,7); float sp3 = random(3,7); float sp4 = random(3,7); float sp5 = random(-7,-3); int obicolor = 0; float yPos; float yDiff; float speed = 0.1; void speed(){ yDiff = (yPos - mouseY)*speed; yPos -= yDiff; } void announce() { speed(); rectMode(CORNER); noStroke(); fill(obicolor,99,99,fade); rect(0,yPos - obihaba/2,width,obihaba); float obi2 = obihaba + 23; fill(obicolor,99,79,fade/2); rect(0,yPos - obi2/2,width,obi2); //making UI String s1 = "Type 'h' to hide this announce."; String s2 = "Type 's' to see this announce again."; String s3 = "Type '0~9' to change color of announce band."; String s4 = "0 is Red, 4 is Green, 6 is Blue, 8 is Purple,9 is Pink."; String s5 = "Welcome to TaKUMA YOSHiTANi's homepage."; textAlign(RIGHT); textSize(40); fill(obicolor,99,99,fade+10); text("Announce",width,yPos - 99); moveStrings(); textSize(12); fill(99,89); text(s1,xs1,yPos - 80); text(s2,xs2,yPos - 50); text(s3,xs3,yPos - 20); text(s4,xs4,yPos + 10); textSize(30); text(s5,xs5,yPos + 70); } void moveStrings() { if(xs1 < width) xs1 += sp1; else xs1=width; if(xs2 < width) xs2 += sp2; else xs2=width; if(xs3 < width) xs3 += sp3; else xs3=width; if(xs4 < width) xs4 += sp4; else xs4=width; if(xs5 > width) xs5 += sp5; else xs5=width; }
基本的な使い方 (1) ではソースコードの色付けを紹介しました
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